News of the Vaughan McLean firm rebrand was featured in The Legal Intelligencer article “Vaughan McLean, Formerly Vaughan Baio, Appoints New Leader, While Pursuing Further Growth,” on May 9, 2024. The article highlighted the new role for Tracey McLean as co-leader of the firm alongside founder Joe Vaughan. McLean joined the firm in 2021 along with eight colleagues from Goldberg Segalla to launch the Albany and Syracuse, New York offices.
Vaughan described McLean as “…a genuine leader who is empathetic, sympathetic, intuitive, right, and an extraordinarily nice and intelligent person.” Known and respected for her legal skill as much as her relatability, McLean said she is looking to bring a sense of cohesion to the firm, praising Vaughan’s approach of allowing attorneys in regional offices to “do our own thing” while also emphasizing the importance of hearing out everyone’s ideas. “I’m hoping we can sit down and talk to each group in a room and figure out how we can redistribute either the responsibilities or the workloads to whatever [other] ideas they have,” she said. “I know this year will fly, and I’m so looking forward to looking back a year from now and just seeing how much different we are and how much things have grown and improved.”
The article also mentioned the seven new attorneys who have joined Vaughan McLean since the beginning of the year. Most recently, former New Jersey Superior Court Judge Francis Orlando Jr. joined to launch the new alternative dispute resolution practice and workers’ compensation partner Cory Benavides joined in New Jersey. The firm has also added two associates – one in Florida and one in Philadelphia – as well as three new partners who joined earlier in the year in New Jersey and in new offices in Long Island and Cherry Hill, New Jersey.
Read the article here.